
株式会社 大香

Tsuyu, the rainy season is what comes to mind when I think of June.
The humidity from the rain often makes us feel that the rainy season is a gloomy season.
Yet, we must not forget that a sunny day during the rainy season is incomparable to anything else.
It is neither too hot nor cold, with a gentle wind that makes the weather splendid.
Such marvelous weather makes one want to go out.
What I do without hesitation is go to the mountains.

In the mountains, the plants are full of life.
Wild roses, columbines, hydrangeas, deutzias and flowers from plants and trees are in full bloom.
I love to see the thriving branches and leaves stretching out, having taken in a lot of water in the moisty air.

Naturally, walking in the mountains surrounded by nature, heightens my feelings.
I bend down to look at the flowers at my feet, or look up to see the flowers blooming on the trees.
My steps are light.

Kousa dogwood is especially impressive this time of year.
The sight of the white cross-like flowers covering the trees, gently lighting up the mountain roads takes my breath away.
What seem to be pure white flower petals are in fact bracts, and the real flowers make up the central flower cluster that look like konpeito candies.
In autumn, this part swells and becomes a burning red.
It is as though countless lollipops are set on the branches, and this is also a charming sight.

As I go down the mountain, the lovely weather makes a turn and I sense rain.
It is, after all, the middle of the rainy season.
In moments I was surrounded by the strong smell of water, and it had started to rain by the time I reached the bus stop.
Wet in the rain, those kousa dogwood flowers in the mountains must be shining as white as ever.

Illustrated and written by Emiko Hirano
Illustrator and essayist. Born in Shizuoka Prefecture in 1961 and raised in Yokohama. Has published many illustrations and essays on mountain hiking, travels and lifestyles.

A Casual Fragrance Calendar