
ご好評いただいておりますブランド mou mou(ムームー)より、あたたかなウールの素材感を香りで表現した新香調「WOOL(ウール)」を発売しました。「WOOL(ウール)」は今秋冬限定の香り。今しか手に入らない特別なmou mouです。
mou mou 秋冬限定の香調「WOOL(ウール)」
mou mou(ムームー)リードディフューザー WOOL 100ml
上代: 1,800円(税抜)
mou mou(ムームー)ピローミスト WOOL 100ml
上代: 1,200円(税抜)
<Product information> [”mou mou WOOL” available in stores for a limited time]
Daiko Inc. has launched a new fragrance WOOL from our popular brand mou mou. WOOL will be sold only during this Autumn/Winter season. It is a special mou mou available for a limited time.
【Product information】
mou mou WOOL, limited fragrance for Autumn/Winter 2020
A wool-warm and clean fragrance of fresh peach and green apple on a woody base note and musk. The new fuzzy product label adds to the wooly image of the new fragrance. The gray package is a darker tone of the gray used on the label.
*Please note that seasonal limited edition products may be sold out.
mou mou reed diffuser WOOL 100ml
Retail price: 1,800 yen (+ tax)
mou mou pillow mist WOOL 100ml
Retail price: 1,200 yen (+ tax)