
弊社が運営する「銀座アロマテラピースクール」にて、10月31日(土)と11月22日(日)に開催される1 Day 講座の募集をしております。ローズをふんだんに使ったアロマ蒸留体験と、贅沢なローズアロマルームフレッシュナーを手作りします。アロマテラピー初心者の方から上級者の方まで、どなたでもご参加いただけます。
・場 所:東京都中央区銀座
・受 講 料:お一人 4,500円(税別)
銀座アロマテラピースクール 1 Day講座ページ
<News> [“Rose de Aroma“ Distillation and room refreshening spray making lesson (One-day lesson)]
The Ginza Aromatherapy School run by Daiko Inc. is recruiting students for a one-day course to be given on Saturday, October 31 and Sunday, November 22, 2020. Students will experience aroma distillation using a rich supply of roses and make a luxurious rose room refreshening spray. Anyone interested in aromatherapy, from beginners to experts, is welcome to join.
・Date and time: Please select a convenient date. (one-day course)
―Saturday, October 31, 202 13:30~16:00
―Sunday, November 22, 2020 13:30~16:00
・Place: Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
・Lesson fee: 4,500 yen (+ tax) per student *fee includes base materials
・Basics of aromatherapy / What is steam distillation?
・Hands-on lesson: distillation experience and making an rose aroma refreshening room spray from aromatic distilled water and essential oils
※Refreshing room spray can be taken home.
▽Please follow the link below for details and registration:Ginza Aromatherapy School One-Day Lessons