
弊社が運営する「銀座アロマテラピースクール」にて、11月7日(土)に開催される1 Day 講座の募集をしております。頭皮ケアやフェイシャルリフトアップにもつながるアロマヘッドドライトリートメント。本講座は、ご家族やご友人への施術はもちろん、セルフケアにも役立つ内容となっております。アロマテラピー初心者から上級者まで、どなたでもご参加いただけます。
・場 所:東京都中央区銀座
・受 講 料:お一人 5,500円(税別)※基材費込み
銀座アロマテラピースクール 1 Day講座ページ
<News> [Aromatherapy Dry Head Treatment Lesson (One-day lesson)]
The Ginza Aromatherapy School, run by Daiko Inc., is recruiting students for a one-day lesson to be given on Saturday, November 7, 2020. An “aromatherapy dry head treatment” will provide care for the scalp and facilitate face lifts. The course will not only provide students with the skills to treat family and friends but helpful information on self-care. Anyone interested in aromatherapy, from beginners to experts, is welcome to join.
・Date and time: Saturday, November 7, 2020 13:00~17:00
・Place: Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
・Lesson fee: 5,500 yen (+ tax) per student *fee includes base materials
*The photo is an image and may not represent the actual contents of the course.
・Aromatherapy and anatomy & physiology of the skull
・Hands-on lesson: aromatherapy dry head treatment
※Only a very small amount of essential oils will be used in the lesson. Therefore, students will not have to be concerned about their head being oily after the lesson.
▽Please follow the link below for details and registration:
Ginza Aromatherapy School One-Day Lessons